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Sunday, June 16, 2024

How I Made Money on Amazon

 In today’s article, you’ll learn how I achieved my first sale as an Amazon affiliate, what I went through, how long it took, and the commission I earnedFree Money and Cryptocurrency falling from the sky, a happy man on his knees with hands in the air

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Non-Medium members read the full post here.


Hello, my dear readers and loyal followers!

As you can gather from the title, the topic of today’s article is making money online with the help of affiliate marketing through Amazon.

Let’s clarify something right from the start: this isn’t another article about the “secrets of affiliate marketing and special secret methods” intended to teach you how to do it.

The internet is full of such articles, and most of them are complete trash designed to lure clicks, likes, and views or sell you something.

Today, we will talk about my personal experience with affiliate marketing, my thoughts, the earnings I achieved, how much time and effort I put into it, and how profitable this market actually is.

First Encounter

My first encounter with the term “affiliate marketing” was about four to five years ago, and I heard it from my wife, who frequently came across it while surfing the internet looking for ways to make money online.

I had never heard the term before, and when my wife quickly explained what it was about, I became quite interested because, who wouldn’t want to make money quickly and easily online?

At least, it looked that way at first glance!

This is what an Affiliate Link looks like: https://amzn.to/3RujOfn

I grabbed my keyboard and started exploring the vast depths of the internet, and as you can imagine, after typing “Affiliate Marketing” into Google, I came across thousands of articles, videos, social media advice, etc.

At first, I was amazed by the sheer amount of advice and people willing to help me completely for free, with no charge, literally $0.00.

All these people, gurus, advisors, experts, and others in affiliate marketing were at my fingertips, just a click away, ready for me to use and learn all about the trade secrets. All I had to do was read, watch, or listen to their advice, and the money would start flowing!

Internet Gurus and Experts, Oh Those Wonderful People

Oh, how wonderful the internet seemed then, and how easy it was to make money online. If thousands of people were doing it so easily and quickly as they described in their articles or videos, I thought, I’m not any worse or dumber; I can do it too.

I read and watched everything I could find on the internet about this topic, and it seemed like such an easy way to make money that I wondered why more people weren’t getting into it when it was so simple.

Hundreds of YouTube gurus and blogger experts explained the affiliate marketing process in such a clear, simple, and accessible way that I was already counting my earnings and piling up money in my head.

“Create a blog, write a few articles, or make some videos, then stuff them with affiliate links and just wait for the clicks,” the gurus said.

“It’s the simplest form of passive income while you sleep, and it doesn’t require much effort; the money just flows,” the bloggers explained.

So, we naturally plunged into the world of affiliate marketing and decided to start our business through Facebook, YouTube, and our blog.

First Steps in the Affiliate World

The first thing I tried was Facebook because it seemed the easiest. You post a few posts with lots of affiliate links, and that’s it!


The first bombshell surprise was that Facebook doesn’t allow affiliate links; you have to do it through private groups you create or drive traffic to your blog through non-affiliate links.

Okay, then we’ll create a group and a blog, and the money will start flowing!

After a short research, my wife and I created a Facebook group and started sharing links, but the blog was a more serious matter and required more knowledge and effort, of course.

While waiting for the money to start coming in on Facebook, we divided the tasks: I handled the technical part of the blog while my wife wrote articles. And we encountered new tough problems, as we did not know either.

We solved this by turning again to the almighty YouTube gurus and internet experts for advice on the topic.

As time went by, we encountered new problems at every step, and their solutions always required new videos and articles on various topics. Our “online business” turned into constant learning, 24/7.

Needless to say, we hadn’t earned a cent yet, even though we sometimes worked 10–12 hours a day!

Little by little, we began to realize that affiliate marketing wasn’t as easy as many advertised, and we understood that the vast majority of videos, articles, and social media posts were complete trash. These people were just trying to collect clicks, and likes, or sell us something.

I must mention that among all the trash you’ll find online, there are indeed people who create excellent and high-quality content and are genuinely dedicated to teaching you something. However, they are rare, and it takes a lot of effort to find them.

Learning, Learning, and More Learning

As we slowly progressed in the online world, the problems became bigger and harder, because affiliate marketing is a serious business and should be approached as such. If you’re starting as a complete beginner, you need to educate and prepare yourself for it.

Our Facebook and blog still weren’t bringing in money, as we discovered that it required a lot of visitor traffic, and we were still fresh and hadn’t managed to position ourselves on search engines.

Speaking of blog visitor traffic, I must tell you that to achieve this, you need knowledge of SEO optimization, which of course requires additional education and learning.

As you can see, at this stage, our online workday was still all about learning, and as we later realized, if you want to be competitive in the online business, learning must never stop.

With all the work we had with Facebook, the blog, and constant daily education, we decided to try YouTube, as we read or heard somewhere that it’s the fastest way to make money from affiliate marketing.

Of course, YouTube wasn’t the promised land of affiliate marketing either, and we didn’t manage to earn a cent from it, no matter how hard we tried, filmed, or edited videos.

You can imagine how our days looked, filled with writing, filming videos, and constant learning, still without earning a cent!!!

For some time, we struggled and worked hard, learning a ton of things, but the money just wasn’t coming, so we finally decided to explore other forms of online income and at least temporarily stop with affiliate marketing.

We simply weren’t ready, nor sufficiently educated on this topic, so the right time for affiliate marketing hadn’t come yet.

Money to the Roof

We turned to freelance, surveys, writing here on Medium, and cryptocurrencies, and I can freely say that we succeeded in all of them and made money.

What brought us the most money was, of course, cryptocurrencies, but everything else still contributes to our household budget. Just from surveys, we earn an average of $100–200 per month.

Affiliate marketing was thus on hold for several years, and I decided to give it another chance here on Medium.

Medium turned out to be an excellent, perhaps the best platform for writing so far, bringing me a steady income that isn’t very large but is always there.

Moreover, Medium has a completely open policy towards affiliate marketing and affiliate links within articles, so it seemed like a great place to try again and give it another shot.

My first affiliate commission was earned right here on Medium recently and very quickly after publishing an article!

This is the screenshot of my first Amazon Affiliate Commission and don’t worry it’s not so big:

the screenshot of my first Amazon Affiliate Commission
The screenshot of my first Amazon Affiliate Commission

I can freely say that what I couldn’t achieve on other platforms for years, Medium gave me in a very short period of a few months!


Affiliate marketing is a job, a real job that requires learning, effort, and time to achieve results, and it’s not one of those “get rich quick” schemes advertised by gurus.

The hardest thing to achieve, and unattainable for many people for various reasons in affiliate marketing, is generating enough visitor traffic so that some of those people click on the link and buy something through you, earning you a commission.

My article had no intention of discouraging you from this business; on the contrary, it aimed to encourage those who want to try, that effort will pay off, but don’t be fooled by lies about easy money.

Every job, including online work, requires sacrifice!

While workers in the real world struggle physically and get physically tired from work, don’t think that online work is much easier, as mental work that lasts for hours and days is sometimes far more exhausting and takes a greater toll on sleep and health!

Make an effort, and your effort will surely be rewarded!

In this article, you will find some links that are affiliate links. If you click on one of those links and buy something we will get a small fee, but that fee is not charged to you, instead it is paid to us by the product owner or reseller. This way you can buy excellent products researched and reviewed by us without any additional cost to you!

Your shopping with our help can be so much fun and a positive adventure because our motto is:

Save your nerves, and save your money,

shopping with us is so easy and funny!

If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.



Greetings and until my next article!


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How to Make Money with the Money Tree? Part One

This is not a clickbait, but a true story about financial prosperity and Money Tree that happened to me and my family while we didn’t expect

The plant called The Money tree is on the picture


Greetings dear readers and loyal followers!

As you may have noticed, I haven’t written much lately due to my obligations that I had to take care of. I had to trim my olive trees to prepare them for the next harvest, write several paid articles, and handle some private matters, so I left Medium aside for a while.

So today, get ready and put on your reading glasses if you need them because you’re in for a treat in the form of a great article I’ve prepared for you. Besides good reading material, you might also benefit financially if you keep reading.

As I wrote in the subtitle, this is not clickbait, and I’ll explain to you how to make money with The Money Tree.

You’re probably wondering what the Money Tree is and whether this is some kind of application or a joke, but no, this is really about the Money Tree, which is not actually a real tree, but more of a decorative flower or plant on your windowsill.

Yes, decorative flowers that bring money! It’s enough to drive you crazy with joy!
You probably think I’ve completely lost it now or that I’m joking with you, but this is indeed a serious article based on thorough research and personal experiences with this unusual plant.

So let’s embark on this adventure!

A Strange Gift

Recently, our small family received a beautiful indoor plant with an unusual name as a gift, and we decided to keep it in the kitchen on the refrigerator.

It was a plant called the Money Tree or the Dollar Tree, as some people call it. The Dollar Tree is actually a distant cousin of this plant, and there is a difference between them.

The plant called The Dollar Tree is on the picture

We received this gift with the explanation that it’s a plant that brings financial prosperity to the home if treated as instructed.

Of course, neither my wife nor I paid much attention to what was said about how to treat the plant until some strange things started happening to us.

An Unusual Series of Strange Circumstances

Until recently, our financial situation was quite OK, although we didn’t have much money to spare, we lived quite decently, and we could even allocate some money for various investments like cryptocurrencies or investment funds.

Suddenly and without reason, our financial situation started deteriorating day by day, not due to bad investments as you might conclude, but due to a sudden series of breakdowns and bad luck.

Our air conditioner broke down, then followed the computer, then the car, then the dishwasher, the induction hob, etc.

In addition to breakdowns, other things happened, such as tenants in our second apartment who quarreled and canceled the rent, then our cats started getting sick, and all of this caused constant and consistent expenses that ate away at our household budget.

We tried with all our might to resist these situations, but as we patched one financial hole, another, even bigger one, opened up, swallowed almost all of our income, and even eroded our savings.

We took on more and more jobs and tried to earn extra money, but as soon as we earned it, it disappeared like toilet paper, and expenses kept piling up.

Things became so serious that we became worried and started thinking about what could have made us so unlucky and who was to blame for this whole streak of bad luck.

All sorts of nonsense crossed our minds, but the results didn’t come, and the streak of bad luck continued.

In the meantime, my wife noticed that our Money Tree started drying up and tried to save it, but it inevitably started to decline and eventually withered away.

We didn’t pay any attention to it, of course, because we’re not superstitious and don’t believe in hocus-pocus, but as the tree disappeared from the house, so did our situation start to improve, and things started to go uphill.

An unusual coincidence or a sign?

After some time, my wife decided to get that infamous Money Tree again, but this time she paid close attention to the instructions on how to treat it and even bolstered her knowledge by researching on the internet.

I don’t even need to emphasize that this time, the financial results were not lacking, and our financial situation slowly but surely began to improve.
You’re surely interested now and would like to know more about what we did right this time and how it helped us financially, so I’ll describe a little about that plant its history, and its impact on your financial well-being.

The Money Tree Description

So, the scientific name of this plant is Zamioculcas, and it comes from the tropical forests of Africa, people also mix it with the Dollar Tree, which is its distant cousin.

This tree is a beautiful and neat bush consisting of eight to twelve separate fronds covered with leaves that have a thin layer of waxy coating.

These leaves are strong and fleshy, full of moisture, and during dry periods, they act as reservoirs that supply the plant with liquid from their reserves.

The Money Tree can grow up to about a meter in height and unlike its relative, the Money Tree, it occasionally has a special yellow flower that looks like an ear of corn.

This plant is very poisonous, and even its sap causes burn on the skin that last a long time and are very difficult to heal, so when you prune it or do something around it, be careful and always wear rubber gloves.

The Money Tree didn’t get its name for anything, and it is believed to attract financial gain to the house it’s in, but only if you fulfill some simple conditions, and if you neglect it and it starts to dry up and deteriorate, money will start to flee from you.

Of course, it’s up to you whether you believe in such things or not, but I can personally attest to the truth of these claims because I’ve experienced a bad financial period due to neglecting the plant when it started to dry up and a good period when the plant was treated properly and according to the rules.


Although I’m not superstitious, neither am I nor my wife, I must admit that this made me think and investigate, so I decided to share my collected knowledge with you, and maybe in the end, we can come to a common conclusion.

How to make this plant bring you financial gain will be revealed in the next and final installment of this article.

Until then, I bid you farewell and ask you to closely follow my blog because the end of this article is near, and with it, the instructions on how to ensure financial gain with the help of the Money Tree.

Of course, if you believe in such things!

You can read much more about crypto on Medium, Substack, or Publish0x:

If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.

Greetings and until my next article!


How to Make Money With the Dollar Tree? Part Two

This is not a clickbait, but a true story about financial prosperity and Money Tree that happened to me and my family while we didn’t expect


Hello, dear readers and loyal followers! Today, I'm here to share the second and final part of this peculiar story about the Money Tree, promising financial prosperity, just as I promised.

In this section, you'll receive instructions on how to maintain this decorative plant and the actions needed to reap its financial benefits.

I know many of you may be skeptical about such things, but let me emphasize that researching this unique plant led me to realize its significant presence in many finance-related offices, allowing you to draw your conclusions on its worth.

Rules Regarding the Money Tree You Must Follow

The first fundamental rule is not to buy this plant but to receive it as a gift, especially on significant holidays. So, instead of purchasing one, make an effort to find the Money Tree among your friends or acquaintances and kindly request them to gift you a seedling, preferably on a major holiday, as it's when it holds the greatest power.

To maximize its positive impact on your finances, it's customary to thank the giver with a few symbolic coins. No need for a hefty sum; the symbolism of payment for the seedling enhances its power and influence, neutralizing any possible negative energy.

  • The second vital rule is to water the plant with so-called “money water,” prepared by placing several coins in a pitcher, filling it with water, waiting two days, and then using it to water the plant.

If you do this during a new moon, you can expect the best financial results.

  • Another essential aspect is to insert a few small coins into the bottom of the pot containing the plant, as it also enhances its power to improve finances. Additionally, tying paper banknotes to the branches further amplifies its financial influence.

To ensure the Money Tree adapts well to its new environment, it should be repotted immediately after receiving it, and it should adjust within two weeks.

According to Feng Shui, the best location for your new botanical companion is a windowsill facing south or southeast, allowing the plant time to acclimate to the light.

Since the Money Tree originates from warm climates, you needn’t worry about temperature increases during summer months, as it can withstand high temperatures (+35 degrees Celsius). However, exercise caution during winter, as temperatures below +18 degrees Celsius will cause the leaves to yellow and deteriorate, affecting your finances as well.

Avoid exposing the plant to drafts, as it purportedly accelerates its deterioration if yellowing has already begun.

I must mention that we experienced such a situation in our home, and without exaggeration, our finances began to decline precisely when the Money Tree started yellowing and deteriorating.

Don’t fret over old leaves turning yellow and falling off; it’s a natural process, akin to any other plant. However, panic may ensue if healthy young leaves start to yellow.

Pot size, moisture levels, and soil type are also crucial factors to consider, as the Money Tree is highly sensitive, preferring large pots, moderate watering, and peat mixed with sifted sand, creating soft and loose soil.

Here ends the brief overview of what to watch out for when obtaining this plant, but if you desire more information, thousands of resources online delve into the science and mysticism surrounding this plant, explaining what steps to take to make your finances soar.

Unfortunately, I must abandon the endeavor of describing all these procedures in detail, as my article would no longer be an article but would evolve into a book!

If you’ve followed all the steps mentioned above and kept the plant under the specified conditions, you should soon experience its benefits in your finances.

Personal Experiences with the Money Tree

As I described in the previous installment, our small family experienced both the good and bad sides of this unusual plant. Thus, my wife and I deliberated and decided to acquire it again. However, my wife’s enthusiasm didn’t stop there; we obtained not only that plant but also its relative, the Money Dollar Tree, much to my surprise.

I must admit; that we might have gone a bit overboard, but time will tell. Since these two plants arrived in our home, our finances have slowly but surely begun to recover, and sudden unexpected breakdowns have ceased.

Other Traits and Influences of the Money Tree

Besides bringing luck and prosperity in the financial realm, this peculiar plant also influences marital happiness, marriage, sex life, and a myriad of other aspects, if we are to believe the stories people tell.

You’ll judge for yourself if you acquire it and test its influence!

If you’d like to learn more about this topic, please let me know in the comments. If there’s sufficient interest, I could write an article on that subject as well.

Well, dear readers, we’ve reached the end of this article. I bid you farewell, for now, leaving you in anticipation of my next literary escapade!

If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.


Greetings and until my next article!


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