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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Trump: Messiah or Destroyer of the USA?

Is Trump the Messiah and savior of America, or will he be the cause of further divisions in American society that will ultimately lead to the destruction and downfall of the USA?

Trump holds the flag of the American South and charges the army of the American North, behind him rushes a mob in red hats with the words MAGA,                                This image was created using an AI image creation program

Medium members read the full post here.


Greetings, dear readers and loyal followers!

In the shadow of recent events in the USA, I could not remain silent and felt the need to put my thoughts on paper and share them with you.

As we all know, an assassination attempt was made on Mr. Trump, a presidential candidate in America, a few days ago. The attempt was made by Thomas Matthew Crooks, a twenty-year-old young man, or we could freely say a deluded or misled child.

The question that arises is: “How did it come to this, or more importantly, why did a twenty-year-old shoot at a presidential candidate?”

It is very difficult to know what was going on in that young man’s mind, so it is hard to answer why, but as for how it happened, we all more or less know because the internet and the media are generally overloaded with information about it.

In my opinion, the atmosphere in the USA has reached a boiling point, and the divisions that prevail are not a good path. It will get even worse if someone who wants to deepen these divisions further, like Trump, comes to power.

The elections have not even been held yet, and it is not yet known who will be the next president of the USA, already there has been a shooting and an assassination attempt, not by some force or organization, but by a lone young man, which in itself speaks to the seriousness of the situation.

When I was the age of Thomas Matthew Crooks, I was having fun in discos, chasing girls, and spending time with friends, and I had no idea about politics, nor was I interested in it.

Trump's Reaction to the Attempt of the Assassination

Trump should sit down and think about what he is doing to his people and his country if children are taking up guns and shooting at presidential candidates instead of engaging in childlike activities.

Instead of this assassination attempt making him reflect and perhaps change his rhetoric, he has grown wings and flies across America on newfound fame, like a new Messiah and savior of the American people.

People, when they find themselves in mortal danger, often completely change their attitudes and way of thinking, but not him, because he is now even firmer and more determined to become president, and his army of followers is intoxicated by his new fame and apparent immortality.

Trump holds the flag of the American South and charges the army of the American North, behind him rushes a mob in red hats with the words MAGA
This image was created using an AI image creation program

He now marches through America like a rock star or a Superhero who has managed to cheat death and presents the failed assassination as a sign that he is the chosen one and, that he will solve all of America’s problems and lead the American people to the promised land.

Right-wing Rhetorics

But woe to you Americans if he comes to power, for he is a right-wing, egotistical, and self-centered person who only looks out for his well-being and success, building his fame on hatred and racism towards those who do not think like him.

If you think things will get better, you are mistaken, because his rhetoric can lead you and your country to ruin, and the common man will never get what he wants but will get a uniform and a weapon for his sons, whom Trump will incite to fight against their fellow citizens.

You who live in America may not see all this, precisely because you are there and cannot be objective because you are in the midst of a storm, but we who live in the rest of the world see that a dark silhouette looms over you and you are on the brink of civil war.

What does History Say About This?

Just look at history, and you will see that all right-wingers are cut from the same cloth and that all right-wing ideologies are very similar.

You don’t have to look very far; just remember Germany in the Second World War and where their right-wing ideology led them, as both Nazism and Fascism belong to right-wingers.

Ideologies of hatred towards others and divisions cannot last long, but they can cause enormous damage to the people and the country that implements and supports them.

If America goes down that path, it will be very difficult to return from it, and there is a possibility of internal unrest, intolerance, and conflict because if the extreme right comes to power, they will very quickly want to deal with those who do not think like them and who they do not like, such as immigrants, minorities, etc.

And what do you think will happen to the world if the USA experiences internal conflicts, divisions, or even civil war?

Just remember the Roman Empire, which resisted barbarian invasions and all other enemies for thousands of years, but when internal discord arose, it collapsed like a house of cards.

The barbarians were just waiting at the borders for their moment, and when they saw the discord among the Romans, they all united from all sides, crushed the Roman Empire, and burned it to the ground.

Trump holds the flag of the American South and charges the army of the American North, behind him rushes a mob in red hats with the words MAGA

This image was created using an AI image creation program

The Dangers of The Civil War

America has created many enemies in the world with its constant wars, who are just waiting for a moment of insecurity and discord within the USA to launch a general attack, and if the fight is within the country, it will be impossible to defend it from external enemies.

With its constant involvement in conflicts around the world and playing the role of a global power or policeman, the USA is making enemies every day who just need a spark to ignite them and unite them in the fight against America.

So far, the only alternative to Trump has been Joe Biden, a gentleman in his eighties who realized he was too old and, at the urging of his people, passed the torch to the younger and more energetic Kamala Harris, an American politician, lawyer, and the current 49th Vice President of the United States.

She is a member of the Democratic Party and served as a senator from California from 2017 to 2021. She is the Democratic Party’s candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

Although Kamala is not yet a formal candidate, she has received the support of the current president Biden, and the former one, Barack Obama, and his wife, Michelle.


So not all is lost, and there is hope for America and its people. It might be better and wiser to support a woman in the race for the US presidency and allow the country to be led by a woman for the first time.

The USA is a country built on foundations that respect diversity and democracy, and its strength and wealth lie in uniting and accepting diversity because it is a country with hundreds of nations and hundreds of religions, but they all have equal rights and can all call themselves Americans.

It would be a real shame if, due to the obsession with the ideology of one man who only wants power and control and doesn’t care about anyone but himself, the entire USA falls into a dark age of divisions and hatred or civil war.

If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.



Greetings and until my next article!


Location: Chicago, Illinois, Sjedinjene Američke Države


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