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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How to Make Money with the Money Tree? Part One

This is not a clickbait, but a true story about financial prosperity and Money Tree that happened to me and my family while we didn’t expect

The plant called The Money tree is on the picture


Greetings dear readers and loyal followers!

As you may have noticed, I haven’t written much lately due to my obligations that I had to take care of. I had to trim my olive trees to prepare them for the next harvest, write several paid articles, and handle some private matters, so I left Medium aside for a while.

So today, get ready and put on your reading glasses if you need them because you’re in for a treat in the form of a great article I’ve prepared for you. Besides good reading material, you might also benefit financially if you keep reading.

As I wrote in the subtitle, this is not clickbait, and I’ll explain to you how to make money with The Money Tree.

You’re probably wondering what the Money Tree is and whether this is some kind of application or a joke, but no, this is really about the Money Tree, which is not actually a real tree, but more of a decorative flower or plant on your windowsill.

Yes, decorative flowers that bring money! It’s enough to drive you crazy with joy!
You probably think I’ve completely lost it now or that I’m joking with you, but this is indeed a serious article based on thorough research and personal experiences with this unusual plant.

So let’s embark on this adventure!

A Strange Gift

Recently, our small family received a beautiful indoor plant with an unusual name as a gift, and we decided to keep it in the kitchen on the refrigerator.

It was a plant called the Money Tree or the Dollar Tree, as some people call it. The Dollar Tree is actually a distant cousin of this plant, and there is a difference between them.

The plant called The Dollar Tree is on the picture

We received this gift with the explanation that it’s a plant that brings financial prosperity to the home if treated as instructed.

Of course, neither my wife nor I paid much attention to what was said about how to treat the plant until some strange things started happening to us.

An Unusual Series of Strange Circumstances

Until recently, our financial situation was quite OK, although we didn’t have much money to spare, we lived quite decently, and we could even allocate some money for various investments like cryptocurrencies or investment funds.

Suddenly and without reason, our financial situation started deteriorating day by day, not due to bad investments as you might conclude, but due to a sudden series of breakdowns and bad luck.

Our air conditioner broke down, then followed the computer, then the car, then the dishwasher, the induction hob, etc.

In addition to breakdowns, other things happened, such as tenants in our second apartment who quarreled and canceled the rent, then our cats started getting sick, and all of this caused constant and consistent expenses that ate away at our household budget.

We tried with all our might to resist these situations, but as we patched one financial hole, another, even bigger one, opened up, swallowed almost all of our income, and even eroded our savings.

We took on more and more jobs and tried to earn extra money, but as soon as we earned it, it disappeared like toilet paper, and expenses kept piling up.

Things became so serious that we became worried and started thinking about what could have made us so unlucky and who was to blame for this whole streak of bad luck.

All sorts of nonsense crossed our minds, but the results didn’t come, and the streak of bad luck continued.

In the meantime, my wife noticed that our Money Tree started drying up and tried to save it, but it inevitably started to decline and eventually withered away.

We didn’t pay any attention to it, of course, because we’re not superstitious and don’t believe in hocus-pocus, but as the tree disappeared from the house, so did our situation start to improve, and things started to go uphill.

An unusual coincidence or a sign?

After some time, my wife decided to get that infamous Money Tree again, but this time she paid close attention to the instructions on how to treat it and even bolstered her knowledge by researching on the internet.

I don’t even need to emphasize that this time, the financial results were not lacking, and our financial situation slowly but surely began to improve.
You’re surely interested now and would like to know more about what we did right this time and how it helped us financially, so I’ll describe a little about that plant its history, and its impact on your financial well-being.

The Money Tree Description

So, the scientific name of this plant is Zamioculcas, and it comes from the tropical forests of Africa, people also mix it with the Dollar Tree, which is its distant cousin.

This tree is a beautiful and neat bush consisting of eight to twelve separate fronds covered with leaves that have a thin layer of waxy coating.

These leaves are strong and fleshy, full of moisture, and during dry periods, they act as reservoirs that supply the plant with liquid from their reserves.

The Money Tree can grow up to about a meter in height and unlike its relative, the Money Tree, it occasionally has a special yellow flower that looks like an ear of corn.

This plant is very poisonous, and even its sap causes burn on the skin that last a long time and are very difficult to heal, so when you prune it or do something around it, be careful and always wear rubber gloves.

The Money Tree didn’t get its name for anything, and it is believed to attract financial gain to the house it’s in, but only if you fulfill some simple conditions, and if you neglect it and it starts to dry up and deteriorate, money will start to flee from you.

Of course, it’s up to you whether you believe in such things or not, but I can personally attest to the truth of these claims because I’ve experienced a bad financial period due to neglecting the plant when it started to dry up and a good period when the plant was treated properly and according to the rules.


Although I’m not superstitious, neither am I nor my wife, I must admit that this made me think and investigate, so I decided to share my collected knowledge with you, and maybe in the end, we can come to a common conclusion.

How to make this plant bring you financial gain will be revealed in the next and final installment of this article.

Until then, I bid you farewell and ask you to closely follow my blog because the end of this article is near, and with it, the instructions on how to ensure financial gain with the help of the Money Tree.

Of course, if you believe in such things!

You can read much more about crypto on Medium, Substack, or Publish0x:

If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.

Greetings and until my next article!


How to Make Money With the Dollar Tree? Part Two

This is not a clickbait, but a true story about financial prosperity and Money Tree that happened to me and my family while we didn’t expect


Hello, dear readers and loyal followers! Today, I'm here to share the second and final part of this peculiar story about the Money Tree, promising financial prosperity, just as I promised.

In this section, you'll receive instructions on how to maintain this decorative plant and the actions needed to reap its financial benefits.

I know many of you may be skeptical about such things, but let me emphasize that researching this unique plant led me to realize its significant presence in many finance-related offices, allowing you to draw your conclusions on its worth.

Rules Regarding the Money Tree You Must Follow

The first fundamental rule is not to buy this plant but to receive it as a gift, especially on significant holidays. So, instead of purchasing one, make an effort to find the Money Tree among your friends or acquaintances and kindly request them to gift you a seedling, preferably on a major holiday, as it's when it holds the greatest power.

To maximize its positive impact on your finances, it's customary to thank the giver with a few symbolic coins. No need for a hefty sum; the symbolism of payment for the seedling enhances its power and influence, neutralizing any possible negative energy.

  • The second vital rule is to water the plant with so-called “money water,” prepared by placing several coins in a pitcher, filling it with water, waiting two days, and then using it to water the plant.

If you do this during a new moon, you can expect the best financial results.

  • Another essential aspect is to insert a few small coins into the bottom of the pot containing the plant, as it also enhances its power to improve finances. Additionally, tying paper banknotes to the branches further amplifies its financial influence.

To ensure the Money Tree adapts well to its new environment, it should be repotted immediately after receiving it, and it should adjust within two weeks.

According to Feng Shui, the best location for your new botanical companion is a windowsill facing south or southeast, allowing the plant time to acclimate to the light.

Since the Money Tree originates from warm climates, you needn’t worry about temperature increases during summer months, as it can withstand high temperatures (+35 degrees Celsius). However, exercise caution during winter, as temperatures below +18 degrees Celsius will cause the leaves to yellow and deteriorate, affecting your finances as well.

Avoid exposing the plant to drafts, as it purportedly accelerates its deterioration if yellowing has already begun.

I must mention that we experienced such a situation in our home, and without exaggeration, our finances began to decline precisely when the Money Tree started yellowing and deteriorating.

Don’t fret over old leaves turning yellow and falling off; it’s a natural process, akin to any other plant. However, panic may ensue if healthy young leaves start to yellow.

Pot size, moisture levels, and soil type are also crucial factors to consider, as the Money Tree is highly sensitive, preferring large pots, moderate watering, and peat mixed with sifted sand, creating soft and loose soil.

Here ends the brief overview of what to watch out for when obtaining this plant, but if you desire more information, thousands of resources online delve into the science and mysticism surrounding this plant, explaining what steps to take to make your finances soar.

Unfortunately, I must abandon the endeavor of describing all these procedures in detail, as my article would no longer be an article but would evolve into a book!

If you’ve followed all the steps mentioned above and kept the plant under the specified conditions, you should soon experience its benefits in your finances.

Personal Experiences with the Money Tree

As I described in the previous installment, our small family experienced both the good and bad sides of this unusual plant. Thus, my wife and I deliberated and decided to acquire it again. However, my wife’s enthusiasm didn’t stop there; we obtained not only that plant but also its relative, the Money Dollar Tree, much to my surprise.

I must admit; that we might have gone a bit overboard, but time will tell. Since these two plants arrived in our home, our finances have slowly but surely begun to recover, and sudden unexpected breakdowns have ceased.

Other Traits and Influences of the Money Tree

Besides bringing luck and prosperity in the financial realm, this peculiar plant also influences marital happiness, marriage, sex life, and a myriad of other aspects, if we are to believe the stories people tell.

You’ll judge for yourself if you acquire it and test its influence!

If you’d like to learn more about this topic, please let me know in the comments. If there’s sufficient interest, I could write an article on that subject as well.

Well, dear readers, we’ve reached the end of this article. I bid you farewell, for now, leaving you in anticipation of my next literary escapade!

If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.


Greetings and until my next article!


Sunday, March 3, 2024

From Enemy Captive to Partisan Hero-WWII Saga of My Grandfather

Surviving torture, betrayal, and death camps, he emerged a decorated captain—A tale of resilience, loyalty, and an unlikely savior

The partisan hero of WWII, epic battle scene, red star on the helmet


Hello, my dear readers and loyal followers!

Today I have prepared something completely different, something that doesn’t have anything in common with my blog’s topic, but the story is so incredible and so good that I had a compelling need to write it and present it to you.

This story will keep you tied to the article and reading until the end because it is unbelievable, but it is the true story of how one guy cheated death more than once and managed to come home almost unscratched.

This is the most incredible war story I’ve ever heard, and it’s about my grandfather who fought in WWII on the partisan side in Yugoslavia.

Going to War

My grandfather went to war on the side of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, which capitulated after two weeks of war. However, he did not give up. Instead, he gathered all the weapons he could and joined the partisan movement to fight against the Germans.

He fought on all the important battlefields and battles and was wounded in the leg at Sutjeska, where he was captured by the Germans. They treated his leg in the hospital, and when he was better, they handed him over to the Gestapo for interrogation.

The Gestapo tortured and flogged him, and when they were done, they handed him over to the Ustaše in Bosnia, who also tortured, flogged, and interrogated him.

After the Ustašas were done, they handed him back to the Germans, who sent him to a death camp in Germany.

Death Camps of Germany

Upon arrival at the camp, he was immediately called by name and taken to the commandant. Grandfather thought this was his last hour, but the opposite happened. One of the commanders in the camp was a Croat who had joined the German special forces. He was, in fact, my grandfather’s former foreman, who had worked on his farm and supported his family before the war.

The German commander singled out my grandfather and another acquaintance, also a partisan, saving them from certain death. All the others who arrived at the camp with them were soon executed.

The Big Escape

The German commander organized the escape of my grandfather and the other partisan, hiding them in a cattle train under cow dung traveling to Zagreb.

Upon arrival in Zagreb, the Ustaše caught them again and took them for interrogation and torture.

However, they claimed they were Ustaše who had come from the battlefield.

Unable to establish the truth, the Ustašas took them to the prison hospital until their identities were confirmed. In the hospital, one of the main and responsible doctors was actually a partisan spy who recognized them and organized their transfer to the partisan squads.

The partisan hero of WWII, epic battle scene, red star on the helmet

The Big Escape For The Second Time

After long hikes and night shifts through hills and forests, they finally reached the partisans but were arrested on suspicion of being Ustaše spies, as it was believed they both died in the battle at Sutjeska.

Now, they had to prove their identity once again, as they were threatened with a firing squad after a summary military trial.

Luck smiled at them again because the courier who had just arrived was from their squad, and he identified them as partisan fighters.

Decorations, Medals, and White Horse

Grandfather managed to survive the war and achieved the rank of captain first class. He received numerous decorations, rode a white horse victoriously, and, most importantly, received recognition, decorations, and a fighter’s monument personally from the commander-in-chief, Marshal Josip Broz Tito.


He was one of the most respected persons in his town and he performed important duties until the end of his interesting and not-so-ordinary life. He died of cancer and was smoking cigarettes until the end. Neither did Germans, Ustašas or Partisans could kill him, but the cigarettes finally got him!

That was the story of my grandfather and if you like it you can support me any way you like!

If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.


Greetings and until my next article!


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Crypto World and the Sex Industry

Exploring the fascinating connection between the sex industry, cryptocurrencies, and Blockchain technology

                    There is a beautiful, sexy, blond girl with bitcoin coins all over her in the picture


Greetings, dear readers and loyal followers! Today, we won’t dive into a Bull Run or analyze the market. Instead, let’s explore a captivating topic that hasn’t received much online coverage — the Crypto World and Sex Industry connection.

As we’ve witnessed in recent months, especially days, the crypto world is on the upswing. The mighty locomotive named Bitcoin has pulled all the crypto wagons into a new Bull Run.

Trading charts are turning green, profits are stacking up, and those who invested during the last Bear market are wearing smiles. Yours truly, your humble writer of this article, is also on the positive side with nearly all crypto investments.

Crypto and Sex

But let’s focus on our topic and uncover the link between Crypto World and the Sex Industry!

You’ve probably heard that the Sex industry is one of the fastest-growing industries overall, and Crypto and Blockchain are keeping pace.

How these two industries are connected and what they have in common will be explored in the next part of the article.

Challenges in the Adult Industry

Working in the adult industry is still a taboo topic in many countries. Workers often face various obstacles and condemnation from institutions and people in their communities.

One significant challenge for workers in this industry is accessing the money they earn legally. Recording adult content is legal in most countries, but major companies like PayPal or Mastercard often take a conservative and judgmental stance towards money from the sex industry. Accounts of users receiving money from these sources are frequently blocked, and payments for legal adult content are refused.

Platforms like OnlyFans, built on adult content, faced significant problems and almost collapsed because they couldn’t pay content creators, the platform's backbone.

Issues went so far that the platform decided to abandon adult content, which led to protests and significant backlash from content creators.

Workers in the sex industry often faced accusations of fraud, where financial companies confiscated money that should be paid for services rendered, as was the case with OnlyFans. Clients sometimes abused this system, reporting scams for services they had already received, and cheating sex workers.

All this was regulated in a Wild West manner, with no rules respected, as people in suits believed that sex workers had no rights and could be manipulated and cheated as they pleased.


Fight Against the System

Such behavior led to numerous protests and, ultimately, the organization of porn stars fighting for their rights and engaging in activism.

Their fight would have been in vain, and they probably wouldn’t have triumphed against the rotten system if Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies hadn’t come into play.

Cryptocurrencies are volatile, but they are also decentralized, providing privacy, ownership, and control over your money without involving third parties.

When the situation seemed hopeless, workers in the sex industry turned to cryptocurrencies, mocking banks and similar institutions.

Now, every individual in the sex industry and every porn star has become their own boss. Fees to banks, blocked accounts, intermediaries, and bowing to someone in a suit deciding the fate of your money are things of the past.


The Case of Allie Rae

               There is a beautiful, sexy, blond girl with red swimsuit in the picture

To illustrate the situation, let me tell you about the case of a young intensive care nurse in Boston named Allie Rae, earning $84,000 annually.

Allie was dissatisfied with her nursing salary and decided to start her adult business on the OnlyFans platform, facing all the obstacles described earlier, such as account blocks, non-payment of money earned, and condemnation by banks and similar institutions.

Allie wasn’t one to give up. She delved into the world of cryptocurrencies, which she knew little about until recently, and slowly but surely began earning money, creating her brand.


In a short period, she managed to earn over $1.3 million and decided to establish WetSpace, a platform where payments are made exclusively in cryptocurrencies.

               There is a beautiful, sexy, blond girl in the picture

Now, Allie, besides making a name in the sex industry, has founded a successful platform, proving herself to be an entrepreneur, all thanks to cryptocurrencies.

All this wouldn’t have been possible and would never have happened without Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, telling us that their application can succeed in every industry, even in adult entertainment.


Once again, the adult entertainment industry is a pioneer in innovation and the application of new technologies. Just as they helped adopt VHS and CDs many years ago, now they are among the first pioneers embracing Blockchain and Crypto, proving that everything Satoshi Nakamoto claimed is indeed true.

They are proving that investing in cryptocurrencies is the future of finance, and most importantly, now everyone can be the true owner of their money without the need for banks, intermediaries, or any third parties.

I hope you enjoyed this article and in some way, I managed to convey the potential of cryptocurrencies through the description of coexistence and collaboration between Crypto World and the Sex Industry.

Now, I bid you farewell, and see you soon when I write my next article.

You can read this article and much more about crypto on the Medium, Substack, or Publish0x:




If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.


Greetings and until my next article!



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