Bear, Bull, and Crypto winter?! Where do the terms come from???
Hello dear readers and my loyal followers!
Today I will write to you about a very interesting topic, as you can see from the title itself, which is the origin of the term Bear and Bull as well as the origin of the term Crypto Winter.
So let's start from the very beginning and clarify what the terms Bear and Bull actually mean in the crypto world and crypto terminology and what would be the meaning of Crypto Winter.
The simplest explanation of these terms would be that Bull is a sign of an uptrend in the market and a market recovery, and a Bear would mean the reverse or a downtrend in the market and a fall in the market in any sense, while Crypto winter would be a period in which the market has a strong downtrend, a trend that has been going on for a very long time. These terms are not only used in the crypto world as many might think but they are used in any market and for any goods, even if they are animal skins.
Where this terminology comes from and who invented it and first used it is very unclear and there are different stories about it, but the two most accepted views about it are the ones we will cover here.
Story number one
This point of view originates from the way bulls have horns and bears have claws. So, since bulls have pointed horns that stick up, it is thought that this may also resemble spiked patterns that are created when the market is in a positive, uptrend, while the bears have sharp, pointed claws that stick down, which could resemble spiked patterns which are created downwards when the market is down. In addition, when bulls attack, they stab upwards with their horns, while bears strike downwards with their claws.
Story number two
This point of view dates back to the days of trappers, leather hunters, and leather dealers. At that time, there were people called "Bearskin jobbers" who were engaged in the trade of bear skins, i.e. they were intermediaries in the sale and were engaged in predicting the purchase price of the skin before they received it for sale from hunters who caught, torn and tanned those skins. Of course, they always drove the price down, and the hunters profited from the difference between the cost price and the sale price. These brokers became known as "Bearskin jobbers" which later slowly changed to eventually retain only the form "Bears" which began slowly to mean a fall in market prices as well as a fall in the market itself. Since bulls were historically considered equal to bears by their strength, and there were also bull and bear fights, the term "Bull" was generally accepted as the opposite of the "Bear" designation in the market.
We can find support for this claim in the literature and journalism of the 18th century itself, where the famous publisher of the British literary and social magazine "The Tatler", Richard Steele, in one essay defines a "Bear" as an individual who attaches real value to an imaginary object and therefore it is said that "Bear sales".
Crypto winter
Crypto winter would be a period when the market sees a significant decline in value and signifies negative sentiment and lower average asset values among a large number of digital currencies. This expression has similar results to the Bear market but is not completely identical, and these two periods, sometimes overlap, which would mean that the market is in big trouble. Unlike the previous two terms (Bear and Bull), this term is used only and exclusively in the crypto market and its origin is well known, coined by Eugene Etsebeth, a venture capitalist after the 2018 cryptocurrency crash.
Here, concluding with this last one, we covered all three terms that were announced in the title and I hope you enjoyed my short explanations.
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You can also write how you managed in the Bear market and how you were impressed with the last Bull run, and try to forecast the next Bull run if you dare!
You can also vote in the comments on which of the above two points of view is right for you, so when we tally up the votes we will see who won!!!
Now I greet you all and see you when I publish my new article!
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