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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Finger in the Butt: “Lika Handshake” or Sexual Assault? — Understanding the Controversy

Today you’ll discover how one judge ruled on a sexual assault case, characterizing the insertion of a finger into the anus as a handshake, and acquitted the accused

Pencil drawing of a finger going towards the ass                                                                    Image source is Google

Medium members read the full post here.

A Brief ANAL-YSIS of the Incident

Hello dear readers and loyal followers!

Get ready to have your minds blown, because this article is anything but ordinary. In fact, it’s completely insane!

So, here’s what happened: A women’s basketball coach decided it would be a stellar idea to barge into the hotel room of one of his players, an African-American woman, and sexually assault her — by shoving his finger into her anus.

Excuse me?!

Yes, you read that right — and it doesn’t end there. After the player sued him for sexual assault and attempted rape, the judge of the Gospić County Court in Croatia, Branko Milanović, equated this violent penetration with a handshake, claiming that “neither a finger nor an anus are sexual organs,” and ruled in favor of the coach, declaring him not guilty.

I mean, what the hell? What is wrong with this world?!

Seriously, what is going on, and who’s lost their mind here?!

Explanation of Terms and Geographic Context

To fully understand the story, let’s start from the beginning and clarify some key terms important for comprehending the text.

This story is set in Croatia, specifically in a region called Lika, which is crucial for understanding the term “Lika Handshake,” which we will explain later in the article.

One of the main characters in this story is Ilisha Jarrett, an American basketball player who came to Croatia in 2005, hoping to build her sports career.

Then we have her coach, the ringleader of this absurdity, a classic Lika native — rough around the edges, with the intelligence of a prehistoric cave dweller, and the sexual urges of a serial rapist. His name? Joso Mraović.


Joso Mraović and Ilisha Jarrett are on the picture                              Source of picture is Google

That coach is Joso Mraović, who, unsurprisingly, was a former member of one of Croatia’s largest political parties and a founder of its local branch in Lika.

The third character is Judge Branko Milanović, whose role is no less significant, and who shares a similar mindset and worldview with coach Mraović.

Judge’s ANAL-YSIS (Yes, We’re Going There)

Now, let me quote Judge Branko Milanović’s brilliant justification for his ruling, so you can see for yourselves what kind of intellectual powerhouse we’re dealing with here:

“In this case, neither the finger nor the anus possess sexual characteristics when in mutual contact because neither the finger nor the anus are sexual organs. Thus, their contact does not constitute a sexual act and cannot be equated with sexual intercourse. In the Croatian language, it is clearly defined what constitutes sexual intercourse, and what constitutes a sexual act, and no one can claim otherwise.”

I think this verdict and its explanation have nothing to do with common sense, let alone the law or the Croatian language. Thankfully, there exists a Supreme Court that can overturn the whims of such idiots who dare call themselves judges and administer justice.

After this case, which shocked the entire Croatian public, the term “Lika Handshake” was coined by coach Mraović, quickly becoming a symbol of general mockery of the judge, the uncouth brute known as Joso Mraović, and all others who behave uncivilized and thuggishly like them.

To illustrate the extent of the ridicule that spread throughout the country, I’ll include a picture of a T-shirt that was created on this topic and a link to the page that sells it.

(Note: This is not an affiliate link. I just want to show how our public mocked these two fools.)


Picture of a black T-shirt with something written on it                Link to the source of the picture: https://mayara.hr/proizvod/licko-rukovanje/

On the T-shirt, it says: “Greetings from Lika.”

The Supreme Court to the Rescue

Thankfully, the Supreme Court of Croatia swooped in and saved us from the shame of having this absurd ruling stand. They overturned the acquittal that Judge Milanović issued, and with it, the ridiculous claim that a finger in the butt isn’t a sexual act.

In their reasoning, the Supreme Court said the lower court was wrong to conclude that forcibly inserting a finger into someone’s anus doesn’t count as a sexual act.

They clarified that Mraović’s actions were, indeed, intended to satisfy his sexual urges, making it an act of rape — or at the very least, an act equivalent to rape.

In the end, Mraović was sentenced to two years in prison. He ended up serving 20 months, and in 2011, he was released.


So, as you’ve seen, justice was finally served, and this wild tale ended relatively well for Croatia’s legal system. But sadly, the nightmare wasn’t over for poor Ilisha Jarrett.

Despite receiving justice in court and a financial settlement, she continued to suffer from the trauma of what Mraović did to her. Even worse, thanks to a police officer’s blunder that leaked her name to the media, she became the subject of ridicule and awkward questioning in every basketball club she played for afterward.

Tragically, this horrific event stained her entire career and even led to the breakup with her fiancé.

As for Joso Mraović? Well, this genius tried to appeal the Supreme Court’s decision at the international level, still claiming that what he had done was just a “Lika Handshake” (probably inspired by that ridiculous phrase he came up with during one of his brain-farts). Unsurprisingly, he failed to convince anyone with more than half a brain.

And just recently, the world was rid of this gem of a human being when he passed away from complications related to COVID-19. Naturally, he was buried with all the pomp and circumstance you’d expect for someone hailed as a “great patriot, war veteran, party man, and all-around good guy.”


What a world!

If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.


Greetings and until my next article!


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

How to Pay Bills with a “Fake” Online Job

The look at the struggles of online freelancers in my country, dealing with skepticism, misunderstanding, and the challenges of working in the digital age

A picture of a offering fake money to a freelancer working online                                        This image was created using an AI image creation program

Medium members read the full post here.

Hello, dear readers and loyal followers!

Has it ever happened to you that you told someone — perhaps a friend or your parents — that you work online as a freelancer or in some other online capacity, only to get the response that it’s not a “real job”?

Has anyone ever told you that every online job is a “fake job” and that the internet is full of scammers just waiting to prey on people like you?

Unfortunately, this has happened to me multiple times — most often when I visit my parents, where I should expect the most support and trust. But instead, they believe that no online job is real.

Apparently, if I work online, it’s not considered a job because I’m “just surfing the internet and Googling stuff.” And no one in their right mind would pay you to do that!

My parents say, “You need to take real tools in your hands and get your hands dirty to earn money, not just type nonsense on the internet.” And mind you, they’re intellectuals, not uneducated or ignorant people.

“Who would pay you to write ‘crap’ on the internet? The whole internet is full of scammers, and it’s all one big scam,” they say.

Now, I must admit, when I see the number of scammers lurking on Medium and the internet in general, I sometimes think they’re not too far from the truth.

Unfortunately, my parents aren’t the only ones who think this way. When I meet up with acquaintances, I often encounter the same lack of understanding about online work and freelancing in general.

Even when I provide all the proof and thoroughly explain what it means to be a freelancer and how you can make money this way — showing them amounts deposited into my PayPal account — I still see the doubt in their eyes, as if they’re skeptical that everything I say is true.

The most common questions I hear are:
“But do you have a ‘real’ job apart from that?”
“Surely your wife does some real work while you have fun on the internet?”

Excuse me?!

I explain that with my online work, I manage to cover a good portion of our household expenses, almost the entire food budget, yet they still nod with doubt in their eyes as if they’re not fully convinced.

It’s unbelievable!

Are people really so uninformed, close-minded, and distrusting of anything new and unknown?

Mind you, I’m writing this post after the whole COVID panic, isolation, and work-from-home revolution that COVID brought us. Now imagine what it was like before that.

“We were in the dark ages when it came to online work in my country!”

Sometimes, I think it might be better if I just made something up, like: “Oh, I just got promoted to a mid-level manager at an oil-drilling company in the Pacific Ocean,” and shut them up that way. But no, I refuse to lie.

I’m proud that my so-called “fake online job” contributes to the household budget and improves our family’s financial situation.

My “fake online job” recently paid for repairs on the fence around our house, the car registration, our groceries, pet food, and even a vacation.

But what I’m about to tell you is even more baffling, so keep reading.

Heaven forbid I ever mention to my parents that I was paid in cryptocurrency for some of the work I’ve done online!


The questions start pouring in, Gestapo-style:
“How does crypto work? What is it? Can you exchange it for ‘real’ money? How much is it worth? Can you put it in a bank? Are you sure you weren’t scammed, son? Have you tried buying something with it? Did it work?”

In the end, they declare that it’s all just fake internet money that’s worthless and that I, their poor inexperienced son, was scammed by internet fraudsters, and I’ll never see a paycheck for my hard work!


Oh well, such is the life of a freelancer in Croatia. I don’t think things will change anytime soon, as people here are skeptical, backward, and behind the times. Only a small group of us innovators is trying to bring this country into the 21st century and the digital revolution.

We must keep fighting and educating all those who drag us back. Even though there are few of us, we do exist, and I’m confident that our efforts will eventually pay off.

All innovators throughout history were misunderstood, mocked, and even persecuted at first. But in the end, it was shown that they were right. I will continue to strive toward that same goal.

I’ll keep doing my “fake online job” and getting paid in “fake internet money,” but I won’t give up!

And now, goodbye — I’m off to write another “fake article” for a “made-up magazine” on the internet. Who knows, maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll get paid in “imaginary internet money” again!


If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.


Greetings and until my next article!


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Guns and Ammo: A European Perspective

A European perspective on guns and the right to bear arms, examining the differences in historical context and gun laws between the U.S. and Europe

                                    This image was created using an AI image creation program

Medium members read the full post here.


Hello, dear readers and loyal followers.

Today, we’re going to discuss a very popular, yet equally dangerous, topic — guns and the right to bear arms.

As we all know, the United States has one of the most liberal laws when it comes to gun ownership, rooted in the world-famous Second Amendment:

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

This is the most frequently quoted sentence by advocates of the right to bear arms. You’re bound to hear it from any American citizen who owns a gun and supports this right.

Today, I won’t dwell too much on whether this amendment is good, bad, outdated, or not. Although many believe it is outdated, I will instead attempt to express the perspective of a European — me — who isn’t accustomed to seeing guns everywhere.

Here, I should mention that I am from Croatia, Europe, and the concept of witnessing weapons or daily gunfire isn’t entirely foreign to me. As a teenager, I spent four years in the war that raged across the Balkans, specifically in my homeland, from 1991 to 1995.

But I don’t want to discuss war times when seeing weapons everywhere was expected. Instead, I want to focus on peaceful times, when such occurrences are far from normal for us.

Lots and lots of guns and arms is in the picture                         This image was created using an AI image creation program

I often come across videos or articles on the internet where people advocate for the right to bear arms. One particular argument caught my attention. It suggests that many who carry guns do so because of America’s violent past.

They frequently mention the time of westward expansion and the daily conflicts with Native Americans, followed by the fight for independence from the British, and eventually the Civil War, during which guns were essential for self-defense.

Another argument often made is that Europe didn’t experience such a violent history or have a need for firearms for self-defense. However, this argument doesn’t hold water, as those who make this claim clearly do not understand the violent history of the European continent.

Europe has experienced very few periods of complete peace, starting from Ancient Greece and Rome, which once occupied the entire known civilized world, to the Dark Ages, where conflicts between states were almost daily occurrences, and continuing into the modern era with the First and Second World Wars.

The wars against the Ottoman Empire in my own country lasted around 500 years and were among the bloodiest conflicts in the Balkans and Europe. At that time, everyone carried some form of weapon for self-defense.


As you can see, Europe arguably has one of the most violent and war-torn histories, full of conflicts, making it quite normal until recently for people to carry swords, daggers, or pistols for protection. Not to mention that European roads were full of bandits, robbers, and criminals for thousands of years, preying on travelers.

Despite this violent past, unlike the U.S., Europe eventually decided to adopt new rules on gun ownership and leave matters of protection to law enforcement.

Of course, we also have laws regulating gun ownership here, and in some cases, individuals can carry weapons if they meet certain conditions. However, this is more of an exception than the rule, and very few people apply for such permits.

From what I can see, there is ongoing debate in the U.S. about whether better personal firearm control should be introduced. It’s likely that, over time, the opinion in favor of restricting or banning the right to bear arms will prevail, but this will certainly not happen smoothly.

The U.S. is a young nation that is still building its history and has time to learn from its mistakes.

Here in Europe, it’s terrifying and unimaginable to see the shootings that occur in American schools due to overly liberal laws and easy access to guns, especially by children. Here, children don’t have access to weapons unless they obtain them illegally.

I believe that weapons are best left in the hands of law enforcement and the military and that individual citizens shouldn’t need them. However, the U.S. should make its own decision about this issue. That decision must be made democratically, not imposed by anyone, as is the norm in civilized, democratic states.

That’s my take on this issue. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.


If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.



Greetings and until my next article!


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Finger in the Butt: “Lika Handshake” or Sexual Assault? — Understanding the Controversy

Today you’ll discover how one judge ruled on a sexual assault case, characterizing the insertion of a finger into the anus as a handshake, a...